Our contact details

Visitor address
Fokker Terminal
Binckhorstlaan 249
2516 BB The Hague

Postal and invoicing address
Platinaweg 19
2544 EZ The Hague

Information and booking
+31 (0)70 262 90 66
(Mon/Fri 9.00 am – 6.00 pm)

Calamity number:
+31 (0)6 20603286

Meet our team

The Fokker Terminal has an enthusiastic team of event professionals who look forward to advising and supporting you. You are always welcome to visit us for a guided tour and an obligation free meeting.

Martijn Kousen
Sales & Event Manager

Ralph Dik
Sales & Event Manager

Tim Rosman
Sales & Event Director

Daan Roeling
Operational Manager

Jim Moor
Operational assistant

Marga Kroon

Tom Verhaar
Managing Director

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